Archive experiments

Archive experiments Table of contents Short & sweet "Old" experiments that are no longer required can be archived with a single click. This keeps your dashboard clear and tidy. To archive an experiment, click on the three dots at the top right of the experiment and select "archive". Note: Archived experiments are no longer delivered and cannot be restarted [...]

etracker evaluation

etracker evaluation Table of contents Short & sweet In etracker, analysis is carried out using segments. Create an individual segment for each variant of your experiment. You can then add these segments to an existing report or configure a new report with customized metrics. etracker integration If you have not yet completed the tracking integration for etracker, you should [...]

Universal Analytics reports in GA4

Universal Analytics reports in GA4 Table of contents Short & sweet With just a few clicks, you can get the Universal Analytics standard reports back in GA4. To do this, create new reports using our generator. Then add these reports to your GA4 via a collection. Step-by-step tutorialCreate Universal Analytics reports Start tour Create Universal Analytics reports in GA4 You are missing important [...]

GA4 reporting in

Evaluate experiments in Table of contents Short & sweet You can now link your Google Analytics 4 properties directly to Varify. This allows you to evaluate your experiments directly in with one click and determine a winning variant. Step-by-Step TutorialGA4 evaluation set up in the tool Start tour Adjustments in Google Tag Manager - only necessary for GTM integration [...]

User-defined click events

Creation and evaluation of user-defined events Table of contents Short & sweet® does not collect any data itself. Nevertheless, you have the option of tracking elements that occur exclusively in the variants of your A/B tests using your own web analytics system. Here we present the procedure with Google Analytics 4. Click tracking on an element in a variant To track clicks [...]


Integrations Table of Contents Short & sweet We have compiled code snippets for common analysis tools that you can use to easily analyze your experiments with the corresponding tool. Integration with Google Tag Manager Use this guide if your® tracking connection is Google Tag Manager Since the tracking connection between® and Google Tag Manager is [...]...

Move elements

Move elements Table of contents Short & sweet With the "Move elements" function, you can easily move an element on your website. Click on the element and move it using the corresponding arrow icons that appear above the element. How to use the function Click on an element in the Editor that you want to move. The selected [...]

Breadcrumb Selector

Breadcrumb Selector Table of contents Short & sweet With the help of the breadcrumb selector, you can select elements on your page in the editor that you may not be able to reach directly with the mouse. When you click on an element, the breadcrumb shows you all the parent elements, which you can then select there. How to use the function [...]

Piwik Pro Integration

Piwik Pro integration Table of contents Short & sweet With the help of the Piwik Tag Manager, you can easily connect with etracker to analyze your experiments. To do this, create the necessary variables, events and a tag to connect with Piwik Pro. You can then segment according to your variants in Piwik Pro. Define Analytics Connection Before [...]

etracker integration

etracker integration Table of contents Short & sweet You can easily link etracker with Varify in two ways. Firstly, there is the "direct integration". Here you can make a tracking setting in Varify to send data directly to etracker. Alternatively, you can also use a tag manager. With this method, you send tracking events via the [...]