Google Signals

Google Signals Table of contents In a nutshell Google Signals enables the collection of cross-device user data in Google Analytics in order to enable more precise analyses and more targeted remarketing. If Google Signals is activated, audience data is partially extrapolated by Google. Google Signals and extrapolation of data Under "Admin Settings > Data collection" you can check whether you have activated Google Signals [...].

Elementor #315034

Just one more step and you will receive your Universal Analytics reports back Simply enter your e-mail address and we will send you the templates including instructions. I hereby consent to the collection and processing of the above data. I will receive access to the Universal Analytics reports and receive the CRO newsletter by email. From [...]

Troubleshooting - GA4 Audience creation

Troubleshooting - GA4 Audience creation Table of Contents Short & sweet If you see the following error message in your® dashboard, then the GA4 audiences for your experiment could not be created. The cause is usually very easy to fix. Error: Status update failed. Failed to create GA4 audiences. Please verify your GA4 permissions [...]

GA4 Audience evaluation

Audience-based evaluation in GA4 Table of Contents Short & sweet Audiences can be used as a comparison option for GA4 standard reports. It is also possible to use them to monitor real-time data. You also have the option of creating your own reports, e.g. using our A/B testing report template. Step-by-Step TutorialStart audience-based evaluation in GA4 Tour Creating audience comparisons Before you start [...]