
Conversion rate optimization with the help of data & psychology

A/B tests
> 0
Industries served
Annual uplift per customer (2023)
0 %

How you benefit from the collaboration

Proven knowledge

With more than 1,600 successful website experiments, we look at a broad knowledge from over 10 years of practical experience.

Industry specialist

We have already optimized websites for more than 16 industries and therefore know about the industry-specific requirements.

Exclusivity guarantee

We exclusively support one company in the same industry. So you can be sure that the best CRO experts in the DACH region are not working in parallel for your competitors.


This is why you will be even more successful with Varify® Consulting

Pioneers in Neuromarketing & Sales Psychology - Varify®️ Consulting uses the latest findings from science to achieve the best results with clients.

Fast results & sustainable success with CRO optimization

Varify® Full Service

Here you get the all-round CRO service including test architecture, conception, design, programming, quality assurance, test execution & evaluation.

In House Knowledge

Varify® Consulting helps companies build internal conversion optimization expertise.

Interim Management

Varify® Consulting provides you with a "temporary CRO manager" who sets up a CRO process in-house.

Business Growth

Creation of individual optimization programs for teams, taking into account the industry.

Varify® Consulting: Your Full Service Agency for CRO

Every company is unique and has different requirements for website optimization and development. We create individual optimization programs for teams so that the appropriate strategy can be implemented with the available resources.


The Varify® Full Service Component includes everything from test architecture design, conception, design and programming to quality assurance, test execution and evaluation to generate more revenue in the long term.


Varify® Consulting helps companies build internal conversion optimization know-how. We accompany teams from the beginning as additional support or as interim conversion managers for as long as they need us.

Companies are currently finding it difficult to fill positions in the area of conversion rate optimization with suitable candidates. For this reason, we now support several customers as interim managers.

We build the conversion process in your company. Since we are experts in conversion optimization, we can start right away without delay. As soon as the positions in your company are filled, we will train the new employees for a seamless transition. 

Our unique loyalty guarantee

We achieve outstanding results through our close collaboration with customers in various industries. Our partnership is designed to focus on one customer at a time in their specific industry. From the matrix you can see which areas are currently served by us.

Industries occupied available
Accounting software
Financial services provider
Leisure & Tourism
Real Estate
Furniture & Garden
Transport & Logistics
Advertising & Marketing

Trusted by

Your CRO experts at work for you

The experienced team of experts at Varify® Consulting supports you in setting up your online business in the best possible way. We take a holistic view of the business and develop individual industry solutions.

Thomas B. Kraus


Thomas specializes in the development and implementation of sound, customized Growth Strategies for companies. With his work, Thomas was able to win first place for his team and himself in 2015 at the Google Online Marketing Challenge in Europe.

With workshops and analyses he helps to uncover potentials and solution approaches and coaches internal teams if required. These approaches generate sustainable growth and revenue increases for you.

Thomas is always happy to talk to you in person.

Steffen Schulz


Steffen is passionate about website optimization. He has specialized in the test-driven creation of MVPs (Minimum Viable Products) to generate the fastest possible growth and sales increases.

He also deals with behavioral triggersto get even more growth out of every website. A holistic approach to website optimization is very important to him. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Steffen at any time.

Voices of convinced customers

Bernd Kühnel
Conversion Manager - Mainova AG

The experts at Varify accompany us as a reliable and professional partner on our joint mission of conversion optimization. In the process, we have already gained many valuable insights that have led to an increase in the conversion rate on our website. We are looking forward to further projects and the inspiring exchange with Varify. Thank you very much!

Andreas Büning
Head of Digital - Carglass Germany

The collaboration with Varify is excellent, both technically and humanly. Here, good skills from analysis and technical integration of tests come together with behavioral science. The very good orchestration of testing as a team process helps to ensure the speed, success and fun of experimentation across divisions.

Patrick Schindler
Head of Conversion - sevDesk

Working with Varify is super efficient and focused - exactly what we were looking for. We were able to move into a professional optimization process right after the data analysis and already ran some very successful a/b tests. By integrating into the Slack channels of our CRO team, Thomas and Steffen act like two experienced team mates with quick response time to open questions. We are looking forward to further collaboration with Varify

What does that mean in concrete terms?

Your full service agency for CRO

A clean as-is analysis forms the basis for a successful optimization program.

We analyze websites and identify the touchpoints with the greatest revenue levers. For this, we analyze digital metrics with additional consideration of qualitative aspects to create efficient website & landing page concepts.


With system to sustainable success

Every company has its own challenges and goals. That's why we develop the optimal digital strategy for your business.

The requirements of visitors to websites are constantly changing. Only through continuous and sustainable A/B testing is it possible to stay one step ahead of the competition.

Test concept, UX design & test development

High-contrast test concepts ensure that significant uplifts can be achieved and proven even with little traffic. The test concept unfolds its full effect through a UX design tailored to your website. After the design has been agreed upon, it is integrated into your website through efficient web development using an A/B testing tool.

Qualitative test implementation guaranteed

Nothing is more annoying than finding errors during the test runtime, causing the test to be restarted.

To ensure that the developed test works properly in different browsers and on a wide variety of end devices, we take over the quality assurance and thus guarantee the functionality of the complete implementation.


Drawing the right conclusions

How do I interpret the test results and how can I be sure that the results will have an impact not only on the test but also on real sales?

We keep you informed about the test development at any time and calculate the ideal test runtime so that test results are valid. At the end of the test, we provide prepared test reports and create derivations for follow-up tests.


Thomas B Kraus


Curious? Book a free strategy talk with one of our experts.

Very simple and non-binding request. Send us a message, we will answer you as soon as possible.