Mere-exposure effect: better control and influence human preference formation.

Have you ever come across an advertisement that you see over and over again? Maybe you've noticed that the more often you see the product or service, the more you start to like it. This is not a coincidence, but a psychological tactic known as the mere-exposure effect.

In this article, we'll dive deeper into this effect, how it works, and why it could be crucial to your marketing and advertising.

What is the Mere Exposure Effect?

The mere-exposure effect, also known as the Familiarity Principle, states that people tend to give a positive evaluation to things they experience more frequently.

The effect was first described by psychologist Robert Zajonc in 1968. 

The concept is simple: The more often we see, hear or experience something, the more we like it.

For example, if you don't particularly like a certain song at first, but after listening to it several times, you probably like it better.

The Mere Exposure Effect in Today's Marketing

In the world of advertising and marketing, the mere-exposure effect is a powerful tool. Companies use this effect to attract consumers to their products or services. Simply put, the more a person is exposed to a particular brand or product, the more likely they are to prefer that brand or product.

The effect of the mere-exposure effect is also evident in the digital marketing landscape. Just think of the repeated ads you see on social media platforms or in your email. This strategy aims to get you familiar with the brand or product, which ultimately leads to a positive attitude and possibly a purchase decision.

A good example is Facebook ads, which show us the same products over and over again until we finally set our eyes on them.

Customer experience in connection with the mere-exposure effect

The mere-exposure effect plays a role not only in creating brand awareness and brand preference, but also in improving the customer experience.

The more customers come into contact with a product or service, the more trust they develop in it. The result? Higher customer loyalty and ultimately stronger business.

An example of this would be Amazon. The company strives to familiarize its customers with their services such as recommendations, personalized emails, and user-friendly navigation through repeated interactions. As a result, customers develop a deep trust in Amazon and return again and again.

Practical tips for using the mere-exposure effect in online marketing

Here are some tips on how to use this psychological principle in your marketing strategy:

1. repeated displays

Use the power of repetition. Running your ads regularly across platforms increases the chances that your audience will see them and respond positively. But be careful, too much repetition can also lead to ad fatigue. It's all about finding the right balance.

2. social media presence

Be present on various social media platforms and post content regularly. This will keep you in the mind of your target audience and create a familiar environment for them.

3. email marketing

Use email marketing to connect with your customers on a regular basis. But remember, your emails should offer relevant and valuable content to keep your customers' attention.

4. personalization

Try to provide a personalized experience for your customers. By taking their preferences and interests into account, you can deliver more relevant content and build a stronger connection.

5. consistent brand message

Keep your brand message consistent across all channels. Consistent branding can help build trust and awareness of your brand.


The mere-exposure effect is a powerful psychological principle widely used in marketing and advertising. By using this principle, you can increase awareness, improve customer experience, and ultimately increase sales. Therefore, it's crucial to consider the mere-exposure effect in your marketing and advertising strategy.

Finally, Nike would be a good example of the successful use of this effect. The constant presence of the Nike logo and Nike advertisements makes consumers perceive Nike as a familiar brand and more inclined to buy their products.